Welcome. We are glad you are here.

We know you visit us during a difficult time and we hope to make the buying of your memorial stone as painless and calming as it can be.

We will try and guide you through the process of choosing the headstone that best reflects the life of your loved one as we design the perfect stone that represents their life in a thoughtful, respectful way as we work within your budget; while you also work with your chosen cemetery.

We specialize in the creation of high quality sand-blasted memorials that last a lifetime. Everyday we are fashioning lasting memories and we take pride in crafting these products that represent us as artisans while delivering great value to our customers right from our shop in Dayton, Ohio; and we take pride in everything we accomplish.

Carved Impressions

We are a direct to consumer manufacture selling only the granite that is the best available in monument grade. We offer over 200 styles, sizes and colors with most available in stock and ready to ship in 5-6 weeks design and processing time. We do all our work in house from the engraving to etching with one exception the full color ceramic portraits are out sourced. You are responsible for the cemetery- the initial contact through the delivery and setting (placement of the stone). You must contact your cemetery for any restrictions that apply for monuments and markers prior to purchase. Each listing you will see in our offerings has an item description with 9 plus paragraphs of information from the stone specifies to the design process all the way through delivery. This is a must read to ensure not only the monument you deserve but a rewarding experience. We are available to answer any questions you send through. Please send questions from the listing your are inquiring about to help us identify which stone. We look forward to working with you. Carved Impressions